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curriculum vitae of Christian Puelacher
Name: Christian Puelacher Date of Birth: April 21th, 1988 Academic Status: Senior Physician Position: PhD candidate / Resident Address: Department of Internal Medicine Research Group of Prof. Ch. Mueller University Hospital Basel Spitalstrasse 2 CH-4056 Basel Email: christian.puelacher@usb.ch
Education and Medical Training 2021 onward Residency Cardiology, University Hospital Basel 2017-2020 Residency Internal Medicine, University Hospital Basel 2013-2017 Doctoral studies, University Hospital Basel, Supervisor: Prof. Christian Müller, Switzerland 2007-2013 Medical studies, Medical University Innsbruck 2006-2007 Community service Jugendrotkreuz Tirol 1998-2006 Akademisches Gymnasium Innsbruck Employment history 2021 onward Residency Cardiology at the University Hospital Basel, Prof. Stefan Osswald 2018 – now Post-doc perioperative cardiac care, Cardiovascular Research Institute Basel, University Hospital Basel 2017-2020 Residency Internal Medicine at the University Hospital Basel, Prof. Stefano Bassetti 2014-2017 PhD candidate at the Cardiovascular Research Institute Basel, University Hospital Basel, Prof. Christian Müller 2013-2014 Science fellow at the Cardiovascular Research Institute Basel, University Hospital Basel, Prof. Christian Müllerl 2013-2013 Study coordinator for the ISCHEMIA trial, Medical University Innsbruck 2010-2013 Speaker at the Institut für Studentenkurse, group and private tutoring 2010-2013 Speaker at the “Institut für Studentenkurse”, Innsbruck, group and private tutoring 2006-2007 Community service Jugendrotkreuz Tirol Language skills German Native English Fluent, CAE, eight years of bilingual education French Basic Publications: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?term=puelacher+c
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