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curriculum vitae of Tobias Reichlin
Name: Tobias Reichlin Academic Status: Professor Position: Resident Address: Department of Cardiology University Hospital Basel Petersgraben 4 CH-4031 Basel Email: tobias.reichlin@usb.ch
Education and Medical Training 1991 – 1998 High School and College, Alpenquai Lucerne (CH) 1998 – 2004 Medical School, University of Basel (CH) 2005 – 2007 Residency in Internal Medicine, Regional Hospital Langenthal (CH) (Head of department Prof. Dr. med. R. A. Streuli) 2007 – 2008 Clinical Research Fellowship “Biomarkers in Cardiology” University Hospital Basel (CH), (Head of department Prof. Dr. med. Ch. Müller) 2008 – 2009 Residency in Internal Medicine, University Hospital Basel (CH) (Head of department Prof. Dr. med. J. A. Schifferli) 2009 - 2011 Fellowship in Cardiology, University Hospital Basel (Head of department Prof. Dr. med. S. Marsch) 2011 - 2013 Fellowship in Clinical Cardiac, Electrophysiology, Brigham an Womens Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Bosten (USA) 2013- 2014 Junior Attending Physician (Oberarzt Stv), Division of Cardiology, University Hospital Basel, Switzerland since 01.07.2014 Attending Physician (Oberarzt), Division of Cardiology, University Hospital Basel Switzerland Examination and Certifications 2004 Swiss Federal Medical Examination (Staatsexamen 2006 Experimental MD-Thesis (Dissertation) at the Biozentrum of the University of Basel, Switzerland 2011 ECFMG Certification for the United States 2011 Swiss Board Certification in Internal Medicine FMH 2014 Swiss Board Certification Publications: Awards: 2007 Award of the Medical Faculty of the University of Basel for best MD-Thesis 2009 Award of Viollier Laboratories and Swiss Society of Internal Medicine 2010 Award of the Swiss Society of Internal Medicine 2011 Award of the Swiss Heart Foundation 2012 Young Investigator Award of the University Hospital Basel
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