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curriculum vitae of Maria Rubini
Name: Maria Rubini Date of Birth: April 2th, 1987 Academic Status: Senior physician Position: Resident Address: Department of Internal Medicine and Department of Cardiology University Hospital Basel Petersgraben 4 CH-4031 Basel Email: maria.rubini@usb.ch
Education and Medical Training 1992 - 2005 C.E.U. San Pablo, Valencia (ES): Elementary and high school 09/2009 - 07/2010 Université de Lausanne (CH): Medical studies (ERASMUS scholarship) 09/2005 - 06/2011 Universitat de Valencia (ES): Medical studies. Medical exam 20.05.2011 09/2011-09/2013 University Hospital Basel. Doctoral Thesis “Rapid Rule-out of AMI using undetectable levels of high sensitivity cardiac troponins” (Prof. Dr. med C. Müller). Conferral of doctorate 23.09.2013 Faculty Award 15.11.2015. 06/2016 Swiss Board Examination in General Internal Medicine 13.06.2016 Since 2019 “Deutsche Approbation” Since 2019 Fellow of the European Society of Cardiology Since 2020 “Anerkennung Facharzttitel Innere Medizin” 03/2021 European Exam in General Cardiology 11/2021 “Habilitation als Privat Dozent”. Universität Leipzig. “Addressing women-specific inequalities in the diagnosis and management of acute myocardial infarction” Publications: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=rubini+gimenez http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=Gimenez+MR REVIEWING and ORGANISATION ACTIVITIES of CONGRESSES 2013-dato for ACCA Congresses 2015-dato for ESC Congresses 2020-dato for DGK Congresses Awards: 2012 / 2014 Young Investigator Award, ACCA ESC Congress 2012, Istanbul “Rapid Rule-out of AMI using undetectable levels of hs.-cTn” 2014 Otto Hess Trainee Award “Sex-specific Chest Pain Characteristics in the early Diagnosis of AMI” 2014 Women and Heart Research Award “Optimization of the early diagnosis of AMI in women” 2014 Scientific Award 2014, Internal Medicine Department, University Hospital Basel 2015 Faculty Award 2015, University of Basel “Rapid Rule-out of AMI using undetectable levels of hs-cTn”
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