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curriculum vitae of Raphael Twerenbold
Name: Raphael Twerenbold Academic Status: Senior Physician Position: Consultant Address: Department of Cardiology University Hospital Basel Spitalstrasse 2 CH-4031 Basel Email: raphael.twerenbold@usb.ch
Education and Medical Training 1996 – 2002 High School and College, Kantonsschule Zug 2002 – 2008 Medical School, University of Basel 2009 Postdoctoral Fellowship in Clinical Research, University Hospital Basel (Head of department Prof. Dr. med. C. Mueller) 01/10 – 03/12 Residency in Internal Medicine, University Hospital Basel (CH) (Head of Department Prof. Dr. med. J. Schifferli) 04/12 – 03/13 Residency in Cardiology, Universitätsherzzentrum Bad Krozingen Germany, Clinical Cardiology and Echocardiography (Head of Department Prof. Dr. med. Franz-Josef Neumann) 04/13 – 12/13 Residency in Internal Medicine, University Hospital Basel (CH), Intensive Care Unit (Head of Department Prof. Dr. med. S. Marsch) 01/14 – 06/16 Residency in Cardiology, University Hospital Basel (CH). (Head of Department Prof. Dr. med. S. Osswald) 07/15 – 06/16 Fellowship in percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), Department of Cardiology, University Hospital Basel (CH). 08/16 – dato Fellowship in interventional therapies of structural heart diseases, Department of general and interventional cardiology, Hamburg University Heart Center, Hamburg, Germany. Examinations and Certifications 2008 Swiss Federal Medical Examination (Staatsexamen) 2009 Doctoral Thesis (Dissertation) on „Limitations of Infrared Ear Temperature Measurement in Clinical Practice”. Department of Internal Medicine and Otorhinolaryngology, University Hospital Basel (Prof. Dr. med. C. Mueller) 6/2014 Swiss Board Examination in General Internal Medicine Publications: Awards: ESC 2010 Stockholm: Young Investigator Award in Clinical Science, 2nd Place. 2011 University Hospital Basel: Appreciation award of the department of internal medicine to promote the combination of clinical and academic work. 2016 Otto-Hess Trainee Award: Award of the Swiss Society of Cardiology (SGK) supporting young trainees in cardiology who are actively engaged in cardiovascular research.
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